Step 2 - Configure the API

Up to this point we’ve been using the bulkReadDocuments function. Now we are changing to the bulkReplaceItems function. For every document returned by the query, this function will replace all fields indicated with the hardcoded values provided.

  1. Modify the API as follows:

     const docs = await db.bulkReplaceItems({
       query: query,
       replaceItems: {
         birthday: {
           type: 'datetime',
           data: '1999-04-19'
  2. Before you run the query, take a look at the document we are about to change. Here is a screen shot:

    You can see that it does not have a field called “birthday”. The bulkReplaceItems function can not only replace existing fields, but if the field doesn’t exist it will create it.

  3. Save the file and run the query by typing the command node exercise2.js and hitting Enter. You should see a result like this:

    The result looks very much like the query result from the previous step, without the FirstName or LastName fields. It tells you how many documents were changed (in our case, only one) and how many errors were encountered (zero, I hope!).

  4. If you look at the document again using the Notes client, you’ll see that the document we changed now has a “birthday” field, containing the value we specified in our call.