Intro to the AppDev Pack

One of the important news happening with the Domino 10 launch is the possibility to use the NodeJS programming model to interact with the Domino 10 runtime.
As part of this evolution, our partner HCL has published the AppDev Pack, which contains:

  • Proton, the server-side component which allows a Domino 10 installation to support a new set of APIs
  • The domino-db npm package, a node.js package which allows node.js developers to simply and easily create applications which make use of the features exposed by the AppDev Pack.

The APIs exposed by the domino-db component allow for CRUD operations on a given Domino database. Those APIs are described in the and files included in the domino-db package. Online documentation is also available here. The APIs can be divided into roughly three categories:

  • APIs that work on sets of documents.
    • Get a set of documents specified either by a DQL Query or by a list of unique Ids
    • Replace a set of documents (or a set of items within the documents) specified either by a DQL Query or by a list of unique ids
    • Delete a set of documents (or a set of items within the documents) specified either by a DQL Query or by a list of unique ids
    • Create a set of documents
  • APIs that work on a single document.
    Read, Replace, Delete or Create a document specified by its unique id
  • Service APIs.
    These APIs allow you to connect to a Domino Server, to select a Domino database to work with, to get information about the connection that has been established.
    An interesting Service API allows the programmer to explain a DQL Query before running it. It can become extremely useful when evaluating the optimal way to query a large Domino database.

This lab will not go through all of these APIs; it will address a subset of the APIs in each category.

The use of these APIs requires some familiarity with certain JavaScript programming features, such as promises, the new async features of ES6, and error handling.