Step 1 - Create the query

For this exercise, we are using a different database. You will specify that database, then create the appropriate query. We are using the fakenames.nsf, conveniently provided at

  1. Modify the code to point to a different database.

    Lines 9-11 of the file define the databaseConfig object. Change it to look like this:

     const databaseConfig = {
       filePath: 'dql/fakenames.nsf'
  2. Change the query to the following:

     const query = " Form = 'Person' and lastname = 'Aaron' and firstname = 'adam' ";
  3. Save the file and run the query by typing the command node exercise2.js and hitting Enter. You should see a result like this:

    Note that although the query used the lowercase “adam”, the results returned the document with the value “Adam”. Just like DQL is case-insensitive with regard to the field names, it is also case-insensitive with regard to the field values.